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Creative:Connection 2019

Chatsworth students took part in a 'Dream Cities' music project for Manchester Literature festival 

This year Chatsworth students once again took part in the Creative Connections project with arts charity Create! Four schools from across Greater Manchester spent a week creating music based on the theme ‘Dream Cities’, which they performed together at Central Library, as part of Manchester Literature festival. 

Students from HS8 and CC3 teamed up with pupils from New Park High and spent a week composing and creating music.  With help from professional musicians Mike and Bethan they looked at topics such as climate change, extinction, re-cycling and sustainability before creating musical scores and their own songs to share at the festival.  As well as experimenting with a whole host of instruments including the Tuba and the Oboe, the students used their communication aids to trigger samples of speeches from climate change activist Greta Thunberg and composed their own sounds using Ipads and GarageBand. 

They performed at the library alongside students from Loreto High and the Grange school to parent’s and the public, in their biggest showcase yet!