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Opportunities for Volunteers at Chatsworth may arise from:

  • Responses to advertising through Salford CVS
  • Responses to advertising on the school website
  • Links with other schools, colleges and universities
  • Links with known stakeholders such as families, existing employees or members of the Governing Body
  • Partnerships with local organisations such as The Salford Foundation Trust
  • Word of mouth in the local community

Upon enquiring about Volunteering opportunities at CHSCC, Volunteers must:

  • Complete a simple application form (assistance may be given in completing this where needed)
  • Undertake a tour of the school and discussion with the Volunteers Coordinator
  • Undertake an informal interview

If, following this process, the applicant and the Volunteers Coordinator wish to proceed, a placement will be arranged pending:

  • Receipt of suitable references
  • The appropriate outcome of a criminal records check processed through the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS)

Please note, if it is not felt that a volunteer is matched to the role at CHSCC, the Volunteers Coordinator will endeavor to signpost the applicant to other opportunities that may be more suitable.