Chatsworth Academy is now part of The Sovereign Trust
Chatworth's Youth Group runs every Monday night, from 3.30-5.30pm and is for students aged 11 - 19.
Each term we hold a student focused session where we sit down and discuss the activities that they would like to do. We take into account dietary requirements and ensure they are adhered to. Each week the students take it in turn to make the snack and also the cleaning up afterwards. We encourage this as this supports the life skills that they do in school. We do have fun times and treats especially at Christmas, birthdays and the end of year.
Activities that the students take part in are:
Arts and Crafts: Air clay, candle making, jewellery design, glass art, sand art, canvas prints, design your own t-shirts, card making, Christmas activites, mosaics, picture frames, jewellery boxes, etc
ICT for fun: Computer games, Nintendo wii,
Relaxation: footspas, hand and foot massage, facials, nail painting
Sports: Football, basketball, badminton, cricket, parachute games, bowling, boccia, obstacle courses
Baking: Biscuits, buns, flapjacks, cakes
Cinema Club: Watching the latest DVDs with popcorn, hot dogs
All activities are supported by qualified members of staff and students are grouped to ensure that the safety and security of all students is paramount at all times. We encourage independence at all times but offer support as needed. We encourage peer relationships to help and support one another whilst also promoting respect for one another