Chatsworth Academy is now part of The Sovereign Trust
GDPR stands for: General Data Protection Regulation. As part of The Sovereign Trust, Manor Academy works within the guidance of the United Kingdom General Data Protection Act 2020 (UK-GDPR).
The Sovereign Trust follows the UK-GDPR and uses this as a benchmark for its standards of protection for the personal data of pupils, parents and staff. It ensures that its policy for data protection is used as the basis for collecting, storing, accessing, sharing and deleting personal data.
For further details on how the trust complies with the UK-GDPR, please follow this link to The Sovereign Trusts Website.
Privacy notices are available on The Sovereign Trust website. Versions available include easy read and key stage 3 versions for pupils. Separate versions are also available for staff and parents & carers and they are all accessible to view or download by clicking here.
Further details of how the school complies with the UK-GDPR regulations are included in the Trusts Data Protection Policy, located in the Trust-Wide section of the policies page on this website.
We have an SSL certificate from our web host to say the site is secure – all images of the children are shown with consent from a parent or guardian and no external comments are permitted within our site.