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Keeping Children Safe

The health, safety and well-being of pupils at Chatsworth High School and Community College are of paramount importance. Several members of staff are trained to an enhanced level in safeguarding and all members of staff are trained in safeguarding in accordance with national guidelines. There is a weekly meeting of the Safeguarding Group which includes members of the Senior Leadership Team and the school nurse. This group focuses on the well-being of every pupil and identifies any concerns for action. The school liaises on a regular basis with the governor responsible for safeguarding. Procedures for safeguarding pupils are described in our Safeguarding Policy

The school uses CPOMS (Child Protection Online Management System) to identify, help and manage all concerns regarding pupils well-being and safety. This system enables the school to record all incidents of concern, including cases in which harm and abuse are suspected. It allows the school to liaise effectively with other agencies and provide reports as required.

Risk assessments are completed for each pupil and these are reviewed on a regular basis by their tutor.  Where appropriate, pupils have individual care plans related to their medical condition.  Where necessary, pupils have Behaviour Support Plans to promote positive behaviour. Ofsted described this group of pupils as ‘exceptionally well supported’ (October 2013).

During the most recent Ofsted inspection (2019) inspectors stated, "Safeguarding is a strength. The safeguarding and protection of pupils is extremely important to adults in the school. Staff are exceptional at caring for very vulnerable pupils and take their responsibility very seriously. Leaders make sure that all the school policies and procedures are clear and that all staff know them in detail. Adults make sure that pupils and their families are well looked after and supported."