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Annual Reviews

At Chatsworth High School and Community College Annual Reviews are conducted as Person Centred Reviews and are led by a member of the Senior Leadership Team in partnership with the pupil’s tutor. Pupils are fully included in the Annual Review process and contribute at an appropriate level according to their learning strengths. Typically, pupils attend their Annual Review and often share some element of the presentation of their work. We firmly believe that the Annual Review is owned by the pupil and endeavour to support their ownership of the process through preparatory work and the use of approaches which enable the pupil to communicate their personal view of their progress.

The Annual Review is based largely around the Educational Report which is compiled by the tutor outlining the pupil’s progress over the last year and setting clearly defined targets for the forthcoming year. Supplementary reports from allied professionals are made available where appropriate.

Alongside parents and carers, all significant partners and agencies involved in the life of the pupil are invited to the Annual Review. This includes health professionals, social workers, specialist teachers and representatives from Salford Local Authority. Where transition is planned, representatives from other educational organisations and Connexions may attend. Annual Reviews generally last around 45 minutes. Annual Reviews at Year 9 and Year 13 mark a transitional point for pupils and are consequently scheduled to last up to 90 minutes. The school has received the Inspiring IAG Full Award in recognition of the excellent quality of our work in supporting pupils through crucial transitions in their life. Visit for further information.

The Annual Review process is just one element of our work in sharing our knowledge of pupils in order to develop an holistic understanding of each individual pupil. We hold two Parents’ Evenings each academic year, coffee mornings for each class on a rota basis and special assemblies to which parents and carers are invited.